#63 | Wrel on Oshur & Planetside 2’s big future

Wrel is the Lead Designer of Planetside 2 at Rogue Planet Games (RPG). He lead the design of Oshur, Planetside's first new continent since 2014, which debuted new water interactions for infantry and vehicles as well as 2nd chapter of Distant Shores story campaign.

In this podcast, Wrel talks about how Oshur and its water mechanics came to be, and how its lattice and bases were designed to create "back of the box" Planetside experiences. Wrel also gives a campaign health check, explains what's going on with the spawn system, and discusses Planetside's 2022 roadmap including: the merits of a lore codex, Outfit Wars' return as a 1v1 contest on Nexus, and the importance of making NSO outfits whole.

Lastly, Wrel shares his philosophy on what makes Planetside unique, and how that figures into resource gain, force multipliers, combined arms, and Deeg's vision of "big" and "lil'" Planetside.

More from Wrel:


[0:00:00] Oshur is sweet ratatouille

[0:33:00] Wrel receives a compliment

[0:36:50] Iterating on water mechanics

[0:46:38] Campaigns and codices

[1:08:22] Outfit Wars lessons learned

[1:17:44] Making roadmaps, managing expectations

[1:36:00] Making NSO outfits whole

[1:42:05] Water vehicles & race alerts

[1:46:50] The spawn system

[1:58:38] Big and Lil' Planetside

[2:27:42] Nanites and force multipliers

[2:43:36] The limits of combined arms

[3:01:19] We appreciate Wrel


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#62 | Camikaze78 on the importance of authority