#64 | UWV_Preston & MMO INKS on weight loss challenge, wellness, & Guild Wars 2

UWV_Preston first issued the challenge: first man to lose 50 pounds wins a steak dinner, provided by the loser. Deeg answered, then MMO INKS answered.

In this podcast, the heavyweights talk about what losing 50 pounds means to them, our individual battles with depression, the challenge of managing sleep, and what we put into and in turn get out of gaming - or not.

Oh, also hot takes on Guild Wars 2 raiding and End of Dragons.

More from UWV_Preston:

More from MMO INKS:


[0:00:00] Weight loss challenge

[0:08:18] Taking advice vs. doing what works

[0:27:10] Carrying that weight

[0:38:52] Preston's anger button

[0:42:00] Managing distractions

[1:01:43] Preston's on going hard

[1:13:09] Proper time to bail on GW2 raid pugs

[1:25:16] Need for stim and quieting the mind

[1:32:10] Challenge of a good night's sleep

[1:55:05] Long term wellness goals

[2:15:32] Weigh in

[2:19:41] Preston's wonderful family history

[2:24:41] INKS on End of Dragons

[2:30:44] INKS is hyped for Big Nose Ted CM

[2:33:58] Elite specs and end-game

[2:44:30] What we put into games vs. what we get out

[3:14:20] Just do it

[3:17:55] Being honest with yourself and doctors

[3:45:56] End of Dragons story predictions and hot takes


#65 | Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Commentaries (Review)


#63 | Wrel on Oshur & Planetside 2’s big future