#66 | Maclaine Diemer on leaving rock behind to compose video game music

Maclaine Diemer is lead composer for Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons.

In this podcast, Maclaine shares how how he moved on from his dream of making it as a rock star and found the games industry. He learned about how games were made at Harmonix, where he worked on Rock Band, before moving on to ArenaNet where he got his big break as composer for Guild Wars 2.

[0:00:00] Rock & roll roots

[0:13:19] Leaving rock behind

[0:23:19] Seeking creative fulfillment

[0:28:46] Working at Harmonix on Rock Band

[0:36:16] Joining ArenaNet as audio designer

[0:43:59] Breaking through as composer for Guild Wars 2

[1:03:46] Bringing live orchestra to Guild Wars 2

[1:16:40] Composing for Zephyrite choir in All or Nothing

[1:42:04] Evolution of Guild Wars 2's main theme

[1:59:04] Distaste for video game battle music

[2:08:57] Salt & Sacrifice and what's next


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